Thursday, June 6, 2013


<a href="" target="_blank">games for girls</a>
Stardoll is a wonderful game where you can dress up your avatar (MeDoll) or others and make money and create things. :)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Brian.

                                                                  Nerdy Ninja Cat
Hai. I just wanted to let you know, I love my boyfriend Brian. He's my world. He's nice and he's funny and he knows how to make me happy. Like earlier, I was crying and then I started to talk about him and it made me allll happy. <3 He's awesome and amazing. Nothing can change the way I feel for him. He could be my twin but... No, I love him. xD I am his nerdy ninja cat. <3 He is my nerdy batman. <3

Forever in my heart I will have you. Forever in my arms I will hold you. Forever in my thoughts I will keep you. And forever in my life will I cherish you.

I love you Brian.

Friday, December 30, 2011


[2:45:25 PM] Abigail Angst: aye babe :D
[2:45:33 PM] Abigail Angst: I shall disturb you
[2:45:34 PM] Abigail Angst: :D
[2:45:56 PM] CJ: 1- disturbing me is NOT a good idea..
[2:46:00 PM] CJ: 2- I WILL block you.
[2:46:04 PM] CJ: .__.
[2:47:04 PM] Abigail Angst: I have the best boyfriend in the world, he's so nice to me... -tears up.- bye D:
[2:47:39 PM] CJ: Okay, cool.. I'm in a LOT of pain, I crushed my foot L0L and all you can think to do is spam me when my foot hurts and I have a raging headache..
[2:47:41 PM] CJ: Yeah, okay.
[2:48:20 PM] Abigail Angst: Uhm, yeah I know you broke your foot. And I didn't know it still hurt or that you had  a headache.
[2:48:38 PM] CJ: -facebrick-
[2:48:48 PM] Abigail Angst: So, I'm sorry. Bye.
[2:48:57 PM] CJ: K.
[2:49:24 PM] Abigail Angst: BTW: I hope you feel better.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm txtingtroy, Cameron is BLACK5HAD3, and Kaya is xfullxofxhatex

Guest_BLACK5HAD3 has joined the chat
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: >.>
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: <.<
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: nice room :O
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im not intruding on anything am i?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: o. o
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby?
txtingtroy247: IH HI
txtingtroy247: OH HI*'
txtingtroy247: Sorryy.... i was online.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: hai :I
EcstasyNeko: Intruding?
txtingtroy247: So... About that one day....
EcstasyNeko: e ___ o
txtingtroy247: What was you and that chick talking about my rating 37 or somethin...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i mean like intruding on convorsation
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ik it sounded suggestive
EcstasyNeko: When someone says that it makes it sound like they thought we were fucking
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: but theres no tone of voice in typing
EcstasyNeko: x n x
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: she was asking what number you were as in how many gfs i had before you
txtingtroy247: ...
EcstasyNeko: Ew.
txtingtroy247: Wow... I feel so fucking amazing right now I'm not even kidding...
txtingtroy247: -Stares at Neko, tearing up.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: it took me 10 minutes to figure that out though
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: xP
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im sorry
EcstasyNeko: o -o
EcstasyNeko: *sit2
EcstasyNeko: ~huggles Abby~
txtingtroy247: You know... I actually thought you loved me Cam.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i did
txtingtroy247: -Huggles her.-
txtingtroy247: DID.
EcstasyNeko: ;I
txtingtroy247: Lovely word.
txtingtroy247: <.<
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ._.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your alot happier when we talk on facebook
txtingtroy247: >.> No I'm not...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: you seem that way :P
txtingtroy247: It's just on facebook, usually people can see what I'm saying who question me.
txtingtroy247: ANd I'd rather not tell 10million stories.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: xP
txtingtroy247: -Literaly wipes tears from my eyes.-
txtingtroy247: I can't wait til Christmas... <.<
txtingtroy247: I think I just might get a laptop.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: you know the whole driving that truck and raping me is still an open idea
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i wont tell you if its rape or not though
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: x3
txtingtroy247: It would be...
txtingtroy247: Since you don't love me anymore.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i have to beg to differ on that
txtingtroy247: >.>
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: just cus i cant say i love you doesnt mean i dont
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: youve been a close friend to me through thick and thin
txtingtroy247: brb
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your priceless to me
EcstasyNeko: Tyt.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: :P
txtingtroy247: Back.
EcstasyNeko: Weba.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: welcome back.
txtingtroy247: Thanks.
txtingtroy247: >.>
EcstasyNeko: Whalecums.
txtingtroy247: -Giggles a tad at neko.-
txtingtroy247: Lol.
txtingtroy247: ^^
txtingtroy247: >.>
EcstasyNeko: o -o?
txtingtroy247: "cant say i love you"?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ..........
txtingtroy247: Why can't you?
txtingtroy247: I'm always open to telling you how I feel.
txtingtroy247: I deserve that in return.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: erm... rather not talk about this at this exact moment
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: yes you do i agree
txtingtroy247: -Stalks profile.-
txtingtroy247: So... You're back with katt, Aye?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: no
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: not exactly
txtingtroy247: -Stomach feels like it's in a knot.- <.<
txtingtroy247: Uhuh....
EcstasyNeko: o -o
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: she adopted me
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: e.e
txtingtroy247: -Spats.-
txtingtroy247: Blech.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and im always on seing someone so people wont ask me out
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: seeing*
txtingtroy247: Remember when I was always set to Married?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: yeah
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: you mean when you blocked all my advances right?
txtingtroy247: Huh?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: <.<
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: oh come on i coulda thrown a brick at your face saying "i want you back"
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and it woulda been the same difference
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: "so....your married?"
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: "ya"
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: "damn......"
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: You're the one who dumped me because you were "gay". :I
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: xP i was.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: well i thought i was...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: x.x
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: dont make me start questioning myself :P
txtingtroy247: Yeah... And then you met some girl and your heart fell right into her hands...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: no
txtingtroy247: And I caught you.
txtingtroy247: And I wanted to die. =.=
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your reffering to AllieRAWR right?
txtingtroy247: Idk.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: the girl you caught me kissing
txtingtroy247: I just remember walking into a room when you were "gay" and you were makin' out with some girl...
EcstasyNeko: *sit2
txtingtroy247: fly
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: she was #17
txtingtroy247: ....
txtingtroy247: I want to go on a murder spree....
txtingtroy247: T~T
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: it wasnt a love kiss
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: or even sexual
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: it was like.....
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: friend kisses a friend
txtingtroy247: You were making out. +_+
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: yes and no....
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: we were looking at all the poses
txtingtroy247: <.< Whatever....
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and it got a lil funny
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and then yeah
txtingtroy247: I don't want to talk about it or hear about it or even think about it.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ok well lets talk about something else
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: does that truck you might be getting have 4x4 drive?
txtingtroy247: Yeah.
txtingtroy247: No.. never mind. it's not.
txtingtroy247: :L
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: oh
txtingtroy247: 93 F150
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: oh my uncle had one of those
txtingtroy247: Nice.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: used to smoke pot in the bed of it
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: driving down to the lake with my friends
txtingtroy247: My dad didn't go up and talk to the seller today... :L
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: I highly disapprove of that.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: going to a lake?
txtingtroy247: No...
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: Smoking Pot.
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: O_O I think Harely is gunna ask me out. O_O
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: dont knock it till you try it
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: <.<
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: whos harely?
txtingtroy247: I don't feel like killing off parts of my brain. :3
txtingtroy247: >.> None yuh.
EcstasyNeko: ~high fives Abby~ :I
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: x.x
txtingtroy247: -High fives back.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: now im jelly
txtingtroy247: She's a girl who goes to my school.
txtingtroy247: >.>
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: btw Ecstasy, have i met you before?
EcstasyNeko: No.
txtingtroy247: 17 years old, gay, female.
EcstasyNeko: I just met Abby today so
EcstasyNeko: > _>
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: hmmmmmm
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: iCream4Icecream sound familiar?
EcstasyNeko: Nope.
txtingtroy247: Dx
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: nvm then
txtingtroy247: She didn't ask me out...
EcstasyNeko: Mkai.
txtingtroy247: She asked what all I've done with a girl. :L
EcstasyNeko: ~covers ears and eyes~
txtingtroy247: -Depressed.-
txtingtroy247: I said I've only kissed a girl.
txtingtroy247: Cause It's true.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: xD
txtingtroy247: I'M SO HOT. bRB, sweating my pits off. O_O
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: shoulda started talking bout g-spots
EcstasyNeko: ~dies~
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: -Revices her.-
EcstasyNeko: Revices?
txtingtroy247: Revives*
txtingtroy247: O_O
EcstasyNeko: Lolol
EcstasyNeko: ~dies again~
txtingtroy247: -Kisses her dead lips.-
EcstasyNeko: ~disintegrates~ x _______________ x
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: Silly <3
EcstasyNeko: Gross..
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: welp
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im gunna uhm
txtingtroy247: -Pushes Cam into the pond.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: go.
txtingtroy247: NO!
txtingtroy247: DX<
txtingtroy247: Don't leave me. Q~Q
txtingtroy247: Again...
txtingtroy247: Like always...
txtingtroy247: :L
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: like always?
txtingtroy247: Yes.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ok how should i leave?
txtingtroy247: You shouldn't...
txtingtroy247: You shouldn't leave at all...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: xP
EcstasyNeko: ~facepalm~
txtingtroy247: Trollface is over-rated.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: -turns on deathnote on windows media player-
txtingtroy247: :L
txtingtroy247: :O
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: -stares-
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: -Goes to Cameron's house.-
txtingtroy247: :D
EcstasyNeko: Strawberries are over-used.
txtingtroy247: Trollface isnt even funny.
txtingtroy247: :L
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ipods are underchewed
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: Wtf?
txtingtroy247: I miss my ipod....
txtingtroy247: With a passion.
EcstasyNeko: Who said it was funny?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: mines in my mouth
txtingtroy247: Everyone.
txtingtroy247: >.> Yup.
EcstasyNeko: I'm not everyone
EcstasyNeko: *sit2
txtingtroy247: i know <3
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: -snatches the unicorn flying above me and turns it upside down and drops it into the pond-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: xP
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: *floor
EcstasyNeko: BRB.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: why must i hate mysef with such burning passion?
txtingtroy247: Dx
txtingtroy247: Why must i love you with such burning passion?
txtingtroy247: Those are some really good questions....
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: because i use up a the hate-space
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: all *
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: hello
txtingtroy247: Hai baby
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: jk o-o
txtingtroy247: -Rapes.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: it wasnt rape
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: but it was me cheating if it wasnt
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: so lets say it was
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: we both know it never is
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: So you ARE dating Katt.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: thats a complicated statement
txtingtroy247: No, it's simple.
txtingtroy247: You are dating her.
txtingtroy247: "IT" *cough cough cough*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: not when you dont know the big picture
txtingtroy247: >.> Big picture.... Oh, you're married. ^_^
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: LOL no.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ok im with katt on a "we love eachother but we arent going to go out with anyone but we cant go out with eachother either."
txtingtroy247: That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: stupidest fuckin shit on the planet.
txtingtroy247: Nd thinking about it, i'm not surprised becaused it's you!
txtingtroy247: AND
txtingtroy247: Now I want to stab you.
txtingtroy247: =_= Literally...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: *floor
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: go ahead.
txtingtroy247: But then again, I don't want to lose you.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i would give you a sharp object but i dont have one on me.
txtingtroy247: I'd rather murder all of those girls and then hide you on a deserted island...
txtingtroy247: -Tears up.-
txtingtroy247: because I'm crazy enough to do somehting like that.
txtingtroy247: Q~Q
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: crazy is never a bad thing.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: its aways good entertainment
txtingtroy247: To you..
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: no
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: think about it
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im crazier then you
txtingtroy247: No...
txtingtroy247: Well yes...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i act stupid in furry chats with a bunch of idiots
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: so i can fit it
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: somewhere
txtingtroy247: AGAIN
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: fit in*
txtingtroy247: Oh Cam, guess what...
txtingtroy247: I got to talk to the SEXIEST man on earth.
txtingtroy247: And he's French... <3
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and then i come up with shit at the top of my head and say it outloud for everyone to hear about very light and fragie subjects
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: poiltics,religions,race
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: I live in a prejudice household.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: like the stuff i put on facebook yesterday
txtingtroy247: yeah.
txtingtroy247: I'm getting Kaya back on<3
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: "gods will for the people is for them to survive and sin is only another way for people to abide by rules that subjegate human instinct."
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: "IF there is a god."
txtingtroy247: yeah
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ive removed 187 comments from that post
txtingtroy247: nice
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: but i will not delete it
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: because i believe its true.
txtingtroy247: Nice.
txtingtroy247: OH!
txtingtroy247: Just thought of something.
txtingtroy247: -Starts to giggle.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: hmmmm?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: *floor
txtingtroy247: I can;t wait until 5th period on monday...
txtingtroy247: -Bites lip, smiling.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i dont want to know
txtingtroy247: Oh I think you do. ^^
txtingtroy247: While you're not allowed to date...
txtingtroy247: I'm going to be making kissy face with Davis. ^_^
txtingtroy247: Score. ^_^
xfullxofxhatex has joined the chat
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: -.-
txtingtroy247: Hai Kaya!
xfullxofxhatex: mkay i here :D
txtingtroy247: >.. uhuh, someone's Jelly. :P
txtingtroy247: Thank you Love.
txtingtroy247: been waiting. Dx
xfullxofxhatex: <3
txtingtroy247: Neko is afk
xfullxofxhatex: sorry D:
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: e.e
xfullxofxhatex: and kk :3
txtingtroy247: This is Cameron...
txtingtroy247: My ex.
txtingtroy247: I was telling you about.
txtingtroy247: L;
xfullxofxhatex: o -.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: -waves a hand-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: hiiiiii -fakes a smile-
xfullxofxhatex: hi -pissed face
txtingtroy247: Stop faking.
txtingtroy247: :P
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: <.<
txtingtroy247: -Smiles a truely deliciously evil grin.-
xfullxofxhatex: dont look at me
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im not
xfullxofxhatex: i can make ur death look like an accident...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your too ugly
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: jk
xfullxofxhatex: o hell no
txtingtroy247: I give you oermission to be at you bitchiest<3
EcstasyNeko has left the chat
txtingtroy247: permission*
xfullxofxhatex: listen here u fuckin cock sucker
txtingtroy247: your*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: is that your best?
xfullxofxhatex: just like delete urself
xfullxofxhatex: like really you need to grow up
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: "fuckin cock sucker"
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: really?
xfullxofxhatex: u should make ur ex upset
xfullxofxhatex: wow child grow up
xfullxofxhatex: :) i mean i could find ur gf
xfullxofxhatex: btw
txtingtroy247: Katt *cough*
xfullxofxhatex: ok :)
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: nice.
xfullxofxhatex: yes
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: goodluck
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: lol
xfullxofxhatex: i dont need luck
xfullxofxhatex: just ur really pathetic
xfullxofxhatex: and should just jump off a bridge
xfullxofxhatex: ur wasting air on the eart
xfullxofxhatex: earth*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im only being nice cus i know you dont know anything about me except what abbigail has said.
txtingtroy247: Abigail said, :"he's making me sad."
xfullxofxhatex: yes
xfullxofxhatex: stop being a fucking dick really
txtingtroy247: Abigail Jeanette Adams: because I'm dealing with my ex and he makin' me wunna cry
xfullxofxhatex: ur really just a no life looser
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: listen miss-xfullxofxhatex: i can make ur death look like an accident...
xfullxofxhatex: haha
xfullxofxhatex: i can
xfullxofxhatex: -.-
xfullxofxhatex: send satan on ur ass
xfullxofxhatex: im very satanic -.-
xfullxofxhatex: and little miss
xfullxofxhatex: really
xfullxofxhatex: what the fuck is ur deal
xfullxofxhatex: god ur fuckin stupid
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i can have your overeas shipped to france so a pervert can eat them in raw oister shells and noone would know to tell if it was an accident or not.
xfullxofxhatex: abby is an amazing girl
xfullxofxhatex: yea i bet u could
xfullxofxhatex: child
xfullxofxhatex: wouldnt it be funny if i went to my uncle that works for the govt :3 im his pride and joy
xfullxofxhatex: so u better watch what u say
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: very fun
xfullxofxhatex: and dont u ever make her feel bad
xfullxofxhatex: o its no joke
xfullxofxhatex: want me to call him now
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: good uck catching a ful name or ip from a custom hacked pc.
xfullxofxhatex: i can learn everything about you
txtingtroy247: Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ok im with katt on a "we love eachother but we arent going to go out with anyone but we cant go out with eachother either."
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: luck*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: trolololololol
xfullxofxhatex: what is that
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby
xfullxofxhatex: o.o
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: where do you get these people?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: this is entertaining
txtingtroy247: He "loves" me right? No doubt, I love him.
xfullxofxhatex: o really
xfullxofxhatex: im glad u find it funny
xfullxofxhatex: wait u love him
txtingtroy247: Okay, Kaya, calm down.
xfullxofxhatex: im confused
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im glad your happy about it too
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: :3
txtingtroy247: Yes...
xfullxofxhatex: abby do u love this child
txtingtroy247: Unfortunately...
xfullxofxhatex: and child do u truly love abby
txtingtroy247: I still love him with all my heart.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: can you shut it with "child"
xfullxofxhatex: >_>
txtingtroy247: Just call him Cam.
txtingtroy247: :/
xfullxofxhatex: ok
txtingtroy247: TY.
xfullxofxhatex: do u love abby
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: you could probably br my niecr miss.
xfullxofxhatex: answer that
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: be*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: niece
xfullxofxhatex: i can be nice
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: no
xfullxofxhatex: im nice until u upsef a friend
xfullxofxhatex: upset*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: as in i could be your uncle
xfullxofxhatex: haha u dont know my uncle and he does work for teh govt
xfullxofxhatex: the*
txtingtroy247: And Kaya... To be honest.... I would do anything... Anything to have him back.
txtingtroy247: :I
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: omg what an IDIOT
txtingtroy247: Kaya... Shhhh.
txtingtroy247: xD
xfullxofxhatex: im just saying
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: seriously where did you find this one?
xfullxofxhatex: he thinks its a joke
xfullxofxhatex: so do u love abby or not
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: none of your buisness
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ive already told abby.
xfullxofxhatex: >_>
xfullxofxhatex: why wont u be with her
xfullxofxhatex: i mean if not
xfullxofxhatex: then u just need to break it
xfullxofxhatex: because really
xfullxofxhatex: u shouldnt lead her on and make her cry
txtingtroy247: txtingtroy247: Since you don't love me anymore.
xfullxofxhatex: thats a bunch of bull shit
xfullxofxhatex: and u know it
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i dont lead her on
txtingtroy247: Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i have to beg to differ on that
txtingtroy247: Guest_BLACK5HAD3: just cus i cant say i love you doesnt mean i dont
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: she was my friend before
txtingtroy247: Guest_BLACK5HAD3: youve been a close friend to me through thick and thin
txtingtroy247: Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your priceless to me
xfullxofxhatex: im sorry for being such a bitch
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and i hope she still is my friend
xfullxofxhatex: just dont want a good friend upset
xfullxofxhatex: guys shouldnt make girls cry like that
xfullxofxhatex: or almost cry
xfullxofxhatex: if u still love her then give it another shot
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: miss kaya....thats your name?
xfullxofxhatex: mhm
xfullxofxhatex: y
txtingtroy247: I suddenly feel really really depressed...
xfullxofxhatex: dont feel depressed
xfullxofxhatex: :(
txtingtroy247: -Curls up in a tight ball.-
xfullxofxhatex: come by me then
txtingtroy247: I want... Want to die for Christmas.
xfullxofxhatex: no...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: between you and me kaya
xfullxofxhatex: death is not an option
xfullxofxhatex: what cam
xfullxofxhatex: right
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: can i pc you?
xfullxofxhatex: his name right
xfullxofxhatex: um ok
txtingtroy247: yeah, Cam.
txtingtroy247: Kaya, don't fall in love with him...
xfullxofxhatex: i has me a man :D
txtingtroy247: U~U He has that affect.
txtingtroy247: -Gets on emowire.-
xfullxofxhatex: o.o whats that
txtingtroy247: -Checks to see if my twin is online.-
xfullxofxhatex: o.o
xfullxofxhatex: epic :D
txtingtroy247: Mhm...
txtingtroy247: I have a message. :o
xfullxofxhatex: :3
txtingtroy247: "i'll do anything to see you happy.<3
xfullxofxhatex: :3
txtingtroy247: Hmm...
txtingtroy247: People are too nice.
txtingtroy247: U~U
xfullxofxhatex: o.o
txtingtroy247: I can't find my knfe. :o
xfullxofxhatex: no cuttin -.-
txtingtroy247: Why?
xfullxofxhatex: i said so -.-
xfullxofxhatex: dont make go there and streak outside ur house
txtingtroy247: Okay. xD
xfullxofxhatex: :3
txtingtroy247: -Grabs Cameron.-
txtingtroy247: Wake up... Q~Q
txtingtroy247: -Shakes him around.-
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im up
txtingtroy247: I wanna die.
txtingtroy247: :L
xfullxofxhatex: nuh
xfullxofxhatex: -hands u my other nipple-
txtingtroy247: -Pokes it.-
xfullxofxhatex: :3
txtingtroy247: -Forever lonely.-
xfullxofxhatex: noh >:O
txtingtroy247: I guess... None of my dreams will ever come true. I'm not going to majore in art. I'm not going to get married. I'm not going to have kids.
txtingtroy247: I'm going grow old and get fat and have a trillion cats. T~T
xfullxofxhatex: o.o you will
xfullxofxhatex: >_> hey thats my life style ;D
txtingtroy247: -Dies.-
xfullxofxhatex: remember imma be the hippo
xfullxofxhatex: xD
xfullxofxhatex: -revives like in the sims-
txtingtroy247: <.<
txtingtroy247: I love the sims... :L
txtingtroy247: At least on the Sims I can marry Cameron,.
xfullxofxhatex: xD
txtingtroy247: -Bursts into tears.-
xfullxofxhatex: -gives chu a hug while my boobies bleed -
txtingtroy247: -Makes them stop bleeding.-
txtingtroy247: -Hugs crying my eyes out.-
xfullxofxhatex: yesh you do
xfullxofxhatex: ME
xfullxofxhatex: !
txtingtroy247: You...
xfullxofxhatex: yes me :D
txtingtroy247: Not even Cameron... :L The only thing I really want.
xfullxofxhatex: sorry i dont have a big enough dick for you D;
txtingtroy247: More than a truck, more kids, more than real friends... more than a laptop and my ipod thouch 4 that was stolen... More than all that combined I want Cameron.
txtingtroy247: ONLY.
txtingtroy247: T~T
xfullxofxhatex: :(
txtingtroy247: I hate my life.
txtingtroy247: i hate it so much.
xfullxofxhatex: dont hate it <3
xfullxofxhatex: you will c when ur older
txtingtroy247: i do
xfullxofxhatex: trust me
xfullxofxhatex: i sound like a gma right now xD
xfullxofxhatex: but it gets better just takes time
txtingtroy247: 15 year old girl hates life as we know it. :L
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby
xfullxofxhatex: >_> i was in ur shoes at 13
txtingtroy247: I was in my shoes in 4th grade. <.<
txtingtroy247: yeah Cam?
txtingtroy247: v.v
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im the last thing you want OR need
txtingtroy247: No...
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im a bad influence
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i drink
txtingtroy247: You're so completely wrong.
txtingtroy247: <.< I know.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i do probably every drug you can think off
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im pansexual and an aetheist
txtingtroy247: I know you do that kind of stuff, and I hate it, but just because you do it, doesn't mean I'll even try to.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i doubt that abby
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your still young
txtingtroy247: You doubt it...
txtingtroy247: I am young, but I'm not stupid.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: its never the stupid ones abby lol
txtingtroy247: You know how many times I've been offered a cigarette or weed or drugs or alcohol and I've said no?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i have an IQ of 163
txtingtroy247: Every single time.
txtingtroy247: I wouldn't give in for you.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: exactly.
txtingtroy247: All I've ever asked for my entire life was love.,
txtingtroy247: I wouldn't do stupid stuff for you, but I would die for you.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: noone should die for anyone
txtingtroy247: No, I've made up my mind.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: not at 15
txtingtroy247: You. You are all I want.
txtingtroy247: <.< All I need.
txtingtroy247: my everything.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: babe,you need to smoke a joint and chillax.
txtingtroy247: No. :L
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: seriously
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your really off the walls
txtingtroy247: Seriously no.
txtingtroy247: <.<
txtingtroy247: I'm always like mthis Cam...
txtingtroy247: this*
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ik
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: pot
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: would
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: help
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: you
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: alot
txtingtroy247: Unless I drink too much jollyrancher soda and then im okay.
txtingtroy247: >.> And No.
xfullxofxhatex: o.o can i ask if thats real
xfullxofxhatex: if so i want some :O
txtingtroy247: yeah, it's real.
txtingtroy247: I got it at Meijer.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: x.x
xfullxofxhatex: o.o :O
txtingtroy247: They have Watermellon, Green Apple, Ble Raspberry, and Cherry.
xfullxofxhatex: :O imma buy some
xfullxofxhatex: dad i know what i want for christmas :D
xfullxofxhatex: besides gas
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: Finaly...
txtingtroy247: Something besides gas and it's all my fault.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby, you should smoke some alaskan thunder horse blue smoke mushrooms
txtingtroy247: No Cameron.
xfullxofxhatex: :P. xD
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: im serious
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: it woud make you stare at a wall
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: for 6 hours straight
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: your first time
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: it calms you down to almost death
txtingtroy247: That's terrible.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: (not litterally)
txtingtroy247: :L
txtingtroy247: I hate walls.
txtingtroy247: <.<
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: but if you smoke with me abby,you could be my alien and i could be your space ship and we could fly away over the moon.
txtingtroy247: You're a freak, but I love you... but still, no.
EcstasyNeko has joined the chat
xfullxofxhatex: neko :D
EcstasyNeko: Kaya :D
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: see abby
txtingtroy247: Weba...
EcstasyNeko: Sorry, my screen had gone black and made me dc.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: this
EcstasyNeko: o 3 o
EcstasyNeko: Thanks.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: is why i cant be with you
xfullxofxhatex: :D
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i need a girl that cn get wasted with me
xfullxofxhatex: welcomes :D
txtingtroy247: >.> because I won't do stupid things and kill my brain?
EcstasyNeko: Lolwut o . o
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: its not stupid
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: its fun
EcstasyNeko: Smoking is stupid c:
EcstasyNeko: That is all.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and it makes the world worth it.
txtingtroy247: Cameron, I want to be a good influence.
txtingtroy247: And I want to live for something... Worth more than drugs and alcohol.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and i want to be what you Think is a bad influence
txtingtroy247: And yet i still try to be withyou.
txtingtroy247: I'm fucking crying.
txtingtroy247: Im getitng off....
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: oh great
xfullxofxhatex: :/
xfullxofxhatex: noooooh
txtingtroy247: And I'm never answering my phone again.
txtingtroy247: Ever.
txtingtroy247: No matter what.
xfullxofxhatex: :( noh
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby stop
txtingtroy247: And I don't need a truck, i'd rather sit in my room all day.
EcstasyNeko: :I
txtingtroy247: nd and, I don't need school, fuck college, fuck art!
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby
xfullxofxhatex: ABBY!
txtingtroy247: brb
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: ok listen you crazy woman...if i gave you another chance, would you scare everyone away from me and cage me in your tight grip?
txtingtroy247: Back.
txtingtroy247: >.>
txtingtroy247: I wouldn't make you stop, but I'd try to help you. And if I could have you back I'd probably shit myself with disbeliefe.
txtingtroy247: And yes I am a crazy woman.
txtingtroy247: I got mad and I almost broke my closet door a second ago...
txtingtroy247: By throwing clothes at it... With extreme force.
txtingtroy247: <.<
txtingtroy247: And... I'd let you have friends...
txtingtroy247: -Is shaking.-
txtingtroy247: But either way... I have nothing to live for.
xfullxofxhatex: yes you do
txtingtroy247: -Lets self fall to the ground.-
xfullxofxhatex: abby you do have stuff to live for
xfullxofxhatex: u have people who love you
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: abby
xfullxofxhatex: think about them 2
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: what about your dad
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: hes gunna buy you a car?
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i had to build my own car
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: outta my own pocket
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: and your friends
txtingtroy247: I have no friends.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: neko and kaya arent your friends?
txtingtroy247: And I don;t need a truck, no one said he was going to buy it. He said maybe.
txtingtroy247: Idk.
txtingtroy247: :L
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: cus when kaya came in here ready to kill me
txtingtroy247: I guess.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i was pretty convinced
xfullxofxhatex: xD
txtingtroy247: YOU KNOW...
EcstasyNeko: Oh, so I guess I'm nothing.
EcstasyNeko: Okay then.
xfullxofxhatex: neko ish <3
txtingtroy247: You're are, I'm just... insane...
EcstasyNeko: :I
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: lol neko stop
xfullxofxhatex: kayas best friend <3
txtingtroy247: (Crying again)
txtingtroy247: That medicine made my tummy sick... :L
EcstasyNeko: Stop?
EcstasyNeko: Stop what?
EcstasyNeko: She said she doesn't know if I'm her friend.
EcstasyNeko: Fine then.
EcstasyNeko: I don't need any more 'love"
EcstasyNeko: "*
EcstasyNeko: <_ <
txtingtroy247: -Heart is punding.- v.v
xfullxofxhatex: but i love you neko <3
txtingtroy247: neko i love you.
xfullxofxhatex: lylas :D
xfullxofxhatex: love you like a sis :D
txtingtroy247: I'm just really not myself at the moment
EcstasyNeko: :I
txtingtroy247: I slept 6 and a half hours, I'm sick, i wanna die... Oh yay, Life is so fabtabulous! :D!
xfullxofxhatex: sarcasm
txtingtroy247: No dur.
xfullxofxhatex: and we can be sick buddies
txtingtroy247: -Cough.-
txtingtroy247: -Burps.-
txtingtroy247: Stupid medicine.
txtingtroy247: I forget how to smile...
txtingtroy247: That's sad...
txtingtroy247: :[
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: how the fuck.... not gunna ask.
txtingtroy247: >.> To depressed to remember how.
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: i gotta brb
Guest_BLACK5HAD3: moving my pc
Guest_BLACK5HAD3 has left the chat

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ahh, love him.

 1) Monsieur, sans vous, je ne crois pas cette nuit serait tellement merveilleux.
2) Ma dame, vous êtes un bon ami à moi. Je ne vais pas vous laisser seul à souffrir.
1) Vous faites battre mon coeur dans une telle façon, il me fait ressentir des choses que Je n'ai jamais ressenti auparavant. Qui à certains égards, fait mal. Car je sais, Je ne peux pas être la vôtre. Seul un ami à vous.
2) Bien que je ne peut être votre ami. Je vais essayer de mon mieux pour être là pour vous.
 1) Je crois que vous serez toujours là pour moi, grâce à réfléchir et mince, et je serai là pour vous. Mais pour moi, mes sentiments seront toujours fortes et mon cœur toujours ouvert à vous.
2) That is absolutely lovely.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Funny Ass Chat!

CXRyanX3: Hey Troy
txtingtroy247: Hey.
txtingtroy247: Call me Abby, Okay?
CXRyanX3: Abby
CXRyanX3: sorry
CXRyanX3: and you can call me Mantas
txtingtroy247: Mantas?
CXRyanX3: yes
txtingtroy247: Okay..
txtingtroy247: -Continues on my school survey.-
CXRyanX3: k
CXRyanX3: good luck
txtingtroy247: Thanks.
Guest_Isaifveen: Sowy back.
Guest_Isaifveen: Hey troy.
CXRyanX3: webah <
CXRyanX3: c:
txtingtroy247: Welcome back.
txtingtroy247: And hey.
Guest_Isaifveen: Ty.
CXRyanX3: anytime hin
CXRyanX3: hun*
txtingtroy247: You're welcome.
txtingtroy247: "What language(s) do you speak at home?____________"
Guest_Isaifveen: Me?
txtingtroy247: -Writes 'English'.-
Guest_Isaifveen: 2 languages.
txtingtroy247: Oreally?
Guest_Isaifveen: turkish and russian.
Guest_Isaifveen: and outside home.
Guest_Isaifveen: i speak arabic.
Guest_Isaifveen: at imvu i speak english =p
CXRyanX3: i speak only lithuanian
CXRyanX3: in my home
CXRyanX3: yeah at imvu i speak english too
Guest_Isaifveen: it's really hard to speak 3 languages in yur life.
txtingtroy247: I'm learning French, and I know simple Chinese.
Guest_Isaifveen: i always mix russian with turkish my mom only speaks turkish so i curse her with russian words and she were huh? Ty dear.
txtingtroy247: But I speak English... Everywhere except sometimes in my French lass.
txtingtroy247: Class*
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_Isaifveen: XD
Guest_Isaifveen: really when iget mad at her.
Guest_Isaifveen: i curse her with russian words.
txtingtroy247: Nice.
Guest_Isaifveen: and i do he same with dad.
Guest_Isaifveen: i curse him in turkish.
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_Isaifveen: tht's my life =p
txtingtroy247: I point to my head and scream, "BAD WORDS!!!!"
CXRyanX3: awesum xD
txtingtroy247: o-o
Guest_Isaifveen: and ofc i can curse you both with 2 languagses
Guest_Isaifveen: like troy your a nartoshka.
txtingtroy247: ...
Guest_Isaifveen: and ryan yur a bida.
txtingtroy247: -gets on google.-
Guest_Isaifveen: you wont find dear.
Guest_Isaifveen: because the language i speak is circassian-russian.
Guest_Isaifveen: and in google
Guest_Isaifveen: it's ony russian.
Guest_Isaifveen: C=
txtingtroy247: ...
txtingtroy247: -Kisses you.-
txtingtroy247: You're lucky I love you.
Guest_Isaifveen: ~LOL
Guest_Isaifveen: ~kisses you back~
txtingtroy247: <3
Guest_Isaifveen: wht lipstick yur putting on ?
Guest_Isaifveen: ~finds bymyself
txtingtroy247: <.<
Guest_Isaifveen: a rasspery my favorite.
txtingtroy247: Omg, I was just about to say that!
txtingtroy247: :D
Guest_Isaifveen: is it rasspery is it like this ?
Guest_Isaifveen: o-o
Guest_Isaifveen: Hehe.
txtingtroy247: Rasspery.
Guest_Isaifveen: rassberry *
Guest_Isaifveen: XD
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to make you feel stupid. <3
txtingtroy247: -Nuzzles.-
txtingtroy247: I know you're not, but still.
Guest_Isaifveen: LOL.
Guest_Isaifveen: i luv yew.
Guest_Isaifveen: well i asked if it is wrong..
Guest_Isaifveen: XD
Guest_Isaifveen: yu had to correct me
Guest_Isaifveen: Nvm.
txtingtroy247: Oh, I couldn't understand your question.
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: -Kisses.-
txtingtroy247: Ew, I smelled weed when I was walking to my house. T~T It smelled so gross.
Guest_Isaifveen: Lmao.
Guest_Isaifveen: yur a nartoshka girl.
Guest_Isaifveen: ;)
txtingtroy247: What's it mean, Luv?
Guest_Isaifveen: i hate weed smell.
Guest_Isaifveen: same.
Guest_Isaifveen: bitch.
Guest_Isaifveen: =p
Guest_Isaifveen: gewd one.
Guest_Isaifveen: the lovely one ;)
txtingtroy247: I am a bitch. Thanks. <3
Guest_Isaifveen: Iam a free bitch.
txtingtroy247: Haha.
txtingtroy247: -Kisses him a few more times.-
Guest_Isaifveen: ~push yew to sofa and kisses yu badly~
Guest_Isaifveen: yur a bad bad girl.
txtingtroy247: Mmms<3
txtingtroy247: I'm your bad bad girl/
txtingtroy247: <3
Guest_Isaifveen: Ohhhh ohh ohhh iam inlove with judasjudas ...
Guest_Isaifveen: Yes yur are.
Guest_Isaifveen: ;)
Guest_Isaifveen: *stand6
txtingtroy247: -Kisses him passionately.-
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *lay
Guest_Isaifveen: hello sexy
Guest_SexyTallEmo: hello
Guest_Isaifveen: Damn.
Guest_Isaifveen: Take a look guys.
Guest_Isaifveen: she is laying down like a nartoshka.
txtingtroy247: ...
Guest_SexyTallEmo: haha lol sorry
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *relax
Guest_Isaifveen: Well bitch in arabic sounds better.
Guest_Isaifveen: Sharmota.
Guest_Isaifveen: XD
txtingtroy247: -.-
txtingtroy247: -Rapes Saif.- Mine.
txtingtroy247: -.-'
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *floor
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *kw1
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *relax
Guest_Isaifveen: iam always yours.
Guest_Isaifveen: :*
Guest_SexyTallEmo: stand5
Guest_Isaifveen: sexy just relax -___-
Guest_SexyTallEmo: ok
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *relax
Guest_Isaifveen: *floor
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *floor
Guest_Isaifveen: do i look like a sharmota ?
Guest_SexyTallEmo: stand4
Guest_SexyTallEmo: stand3
Guest_SexyTallEmo: stand1
txtingtroy247: My sharmota.
txtingtroy247: <3
Guest_Isaifveen: your sharmota and yur my lovely sharmota.
txtingtroy247: Yes. <3
txtingtroy247: Ily baby. ;D
Guest_SexyTallEmo: aw xD
Guest_Isaifveen: Ily you too.
txtingtroy247: <3
Guest_Isaifveen: Even if we are not in a realtionship.
Guest_SexyTallEmo: double aw
Guest_Isaifveen: but still =p
txtingtroy247: Awe, mine forever. xD
Guest_SexyTallEmo: im gunna do something haha
Guest_SexyTallEmo: *lay
txtingtroy247: ...
Guest_Isaifveen: i love the way you lay.
Guest_Isaifveen: O.O
Guest_Isaifveen: LOL.
txtingtroy247: -Kisses Saif.-
txtingtroy247: MINE>
txtingtroy247: She a whore.
txtingtroy247: o-o
Guest_Isaifveen: LOL.
Guest_Isaifveen: yes she is XD
txtingtroy247: I don't like her.
Guest_Isaifveen: Hehe.
txtingtroy247: At all.
txtingtroy247: -.-'
Guest_Isaifveen: relax dear ~touch your lap ~she is not even worth.
txtingtroy247: Okay...
txtingtroy247: -Leans on your shoulder.-
Guest_Isaifveen: Plays with yur hair~
txtingtroy247: -Smiles and giggles.-
CXRyanX3: im sorry i was telling the story to Daniel
CXRyanX3: what happened ?
CXRyanX3: D:
txtingtroy247: -Nuzzles into Saif.-
Guest_Isaifveen: Nth much.
Guest_Isaifveen: C=
Guest_Isaifveen: Whale cum back
Guest_Isaifveen: C=
Guest_Isaifveen: bring daniel here let us meet him (A)
CXRyanX3: his mom told him to turn off the computer
CXRyanX3: v.v
CXRyanX3: and thank yew <3
txtingtroy247: -Falls asleep in Saifs arms.-
Guest_Isaifveen: LOL.
Guest_Isaifveen: Okei.
txtingtroy247: Zzzz
Guest_Isaifveen: sleep well dear.
Guest_Isaifveen: =p
txtingtroy247: -Nuzzles in his lap.-
CXRyanX3: >:O
CXRyanX3: >:I
txtingtroy247: Zzzz
txtingtroy247: -Mumbles in sleep.- "I love you."
CXRyanX3: D:
CXRyanX3: wrong button
Guest_Isaifveen: Weba
Guest_Isaifveen: I g2g.
CXRyanX3: v.v
txtingtroy247: (Was about to reinvite)
Guest_Isaifveen: brb after 15 min
CXRyanX3: yeyĄ
txtingtroy247: Bye baby.
CXRyanX3: ин
CXRyanX3: bye*
Guest_Isaifveen: bbai baby.
CXRyanX3: <3
Guest_Isaifveen: bbai baby ryan
txtingtroy247: I love you Saif. <3
txtingtroy247: -Kisses him.-
CXRyanX3: sure you love him e.e
CXRyanX3: bye hun
CXRyanX3: <3
txtingtroy247: ...
CXRyanX3: ?
txtingtroy247: Are you jealous?
CXRyanX3: im not jealous
CXRyanX3: <<
txtingtroy247: -Lays across your lap.-
txtingtroy247: Lies...
CXRyanX3: i didnt met him in real. how should i love him ?
txtingtroy247: Idk, it's possible.
CXRyanX3: oh really ? >>
CXRyanX3: how ?
Guest_inomzhim: Hello.
CXRyanX3: how can you love him ?
txtingtroy247: You love someone by their personality.
CXRyanX3: (im not telling that it isnt possible)
txtingtroy247: By their heart.
Guest_inomzhim: You can love anyone by his personality even if he/she was ugly.
Guest_inomzhim: whtsup people ?
CXRyanX3: but its different when you meet that person in real.
Guest_inomzhim: Yes ofcours.
CXRyanX3: and i have the proove
CXRyanX3: prove*
txtingtroy247: <.<
CXRyanX3: i ..
CXRyanX3: umm.
CXRyanX3: v.v
CXRyanX3: >>
Guest_inomzhim: talking about specific person ? o.e
txtingtroy247: <.< yes.
CXRyanX3: dunno if i can tell you >.<
txtingtroy247: -Holds him.- You can tell me anything.
CXRyanX3: okayh, i had a crush on my best friend bf.
CXRyanX3: v.v
CXRyanX3: he had a crush on me too
CXRyanX3: v.v
CXRyanX3: so
CXRyanX3: he left her
CXRyanX3: and
txtingtroy247: For you...
CXRyanX3: asked me if i can go out with him
txtingtroy247: And, she found out, and she's mad at you?
CXRyanX3: i wasnt sure
CXRyanX3: because she was my best friend
txtingtroy247: -Holds him.-
txtingtroy247: I see.
txtingtroy247: Well...
Guest_inomzhim: yu dated yur bestfriend bf?
Guest_inomzhim: Awch.
CXRyanX3: yep
txtingtroy247: I still love you, even if you did.
Guest_inomzhim: Well iam in crush with someone cant really date me ....
Guest_inomzhim: since when you guys been here ?
CXRyanX3: and it was different when i message him and talk in real
txtingtroy247: Yeah.
CXRyanX3: we were pervs in messages, but when we met we were a way different
txtingtroy247: Of course.
txtingtroy247: You were shy.
Guest_inomzhim: did this room owner came in ?
Guest_inomzhim: i saw him online..
CXRyanX3: everything we did , was just a hug
txtingtroy247: Room owner had to leave.
Guest_inomzhim: in this room
CXRyanX3: or kisses
Guest_inomzhim: Awhhhh
CXRyanX3: then french kiss
txtingtroy247: Well, that's okay.
CXRyanX3: thats all
CXRyanX3: .-.
txtingtroy247: -Pets his cheek.-
CXRyanX3: after 2 weeks
txtingtroy247: You talked?
CXRyanX3: we broke up
CXRyanX3: he was
Guest_inomzhim: Well iam in crush with this room owner and i cant really date him he keep saying i cant and i cant but i still love him and iam planing to visit him he speaks russian like me :3 do you know him guys ? :3 saif ?
CXRyanX3: too much nervous person. i think he needs psichologist help
CXRyanX3: he can simply kill
txtingtroy247: Yes I know him.
CXRyanX3: anyone
txtingtroy247: he's mine. ...
txtingtroy247: -Stares at her.-
Guest_inomzhim: he is yours ?
txtingtroy247: Yes.
Guest_inomzhim: Explain ? ...
txtingtroy247: He's mine. Plain and simple.
CXRyanX3: pfft.
Guest_inomzhim: iamm going to visit him dear ...
Guest_inomzhim: so enjoy haha.
txtingtroy247: He's mine and Ryans!
CXRyanX3: he isnt mine v.v
txtingtroy247: Is too.
txtingtroy247: -.-
txtingtroy247: Well, dear, I hope you die. :3
Guest_inomzhim: Well your ryan :O
txtingtroy247: or get hurt.
CXRyanX3: coz he is just internet best friend
CXRyanX3: she will get hurt
txtingtroy247: I know.
CXRyanX3: coz he doesnt love her
txtingtroy247: I know.
CXRyanX3: and he cant love her
Guest_inomzhim: saif keep talking about you.
txtingtroy247: He loves us.
CXRyanX3: even though she planning to visit him
Guest_inomzhim: he loves me too.
Guest_inomzhim: and i do the same.
Guest_inomzhim: shut up both.
Guest_inomzhim: jelousy much ?
CXRyanX3: why ?
txtingtroy247: txtingtroy247: Bye baby. Guest_Isaifveen: bbai baby.
CXRyanX3: im not jealous
CXRyanX3: why should i be jealous ?
CXRyanX3: coz he cant love you ?
Guest_inomzhim: he always say "bbai baby" too.
CXRyanX3: so what ?
CXRyanX3: i dont care
Guest_inomzhim: why are you saying that ?
Guest_inomzhim: he cant love me ?
Guest_inomzhim: iam going to visit him.
CXRyanX3: go for it
txtingtroy247: txtingtroy247: Ily baby. ;D Guest_Isaifveen: Ily you too.
CXRyanX3: i dont care
Guest_inomzhim: Eh.
Guest_inomzhim: as ryan said.
Guest_inomzhim: he will be just your internet friend.
Guest_inomzhim: but for me iam going to visit him.
Guest_inomzhim: and hangout
Guest_inomzhim: and BLAH BLAH.
Guest_inomzhim: and who kows we might end it up in a bed ;)
txtingtroy247: He won't love you. He doesn't love you, he'll hurt you.
txtingtroy247: Oh, btw, he's a virgin.
CXRyanX3: hey. dont take imvu chat so seriously and be smarter.
CXRyanX3: no listen
CXRyanX3: now listen*
CXRyanX3: inomzhim, stop dreaming about silly dreams
CXRyanX3: you just making funny of yourself
Guest_inomzhim: Virgin peoplecan do sex when they want to .
Guest_inomzhim: Iam not :o
Guest_inomzhim: i know him.
Guest_inomzhim: mask guy.
CXRyanX3: if you think that you will have sex with him
CXRyanX3: then you really wrong
txtingtroy247: You're stupd.
txtingtroy247: Stupid*
txtingtroy247: He's too shy.
CXRyanX3: he wont have sex with you
txtingtroy247: Believe us, he said it to us.
CXRyanX3: i cant tell you why, coz he didnt let me to
Guest_inomzhim: -___-
Guest_inomzhim: iam gonna msg you guys.
Guest_inomzhim: a photo with him.
Guest_inomzhim: naked.
Guest_inomzhim: <_<
txtingtroy247: Yeah, okay...
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: -Hugs Ryan and laughs.-
CXRyanX3: sure
txtingtroy247: She's so stupid. xD
CXRyanX3: -hugs back-
Guest_inomzhim: will i be stupied when i show you the photo ?
CXRyanX3: sure she is
Guest_inomzhim: Soon . ;)
CXRyanX3: yes
CXRyanX3: why not ?
txtingtroy247: The photo of you standing there alone? Yes. :3
CXRyanX3: okay sure
CXRyanX3: i will be waiting
Guest_inomzhim: sure you both always get in here ?
Guest_inomzhim: or you know.
txtingtroy247: Yeah.
Guest_inomzhim: i will just let Saif convince you tht he can sleep with me.
Guest_inomzhim: lol
txtingtroy247: He doesn't want to. xD
CXRyanX3: yep
CXRyanX3: inomzhin, you doesnt love him. im pretty sure about that.
txtingtroy247: All you want from him is sex.
txtingtroy247: Because you're a slut.
Guest_inomzhim: Well sex is enough.
txtingtroy247: If you've had sex at 16, you're just gross.
txtingtroy247: Sex, isn't love.
Guest_inomzhim: i slept with many bitch.
Guest_inomzhim: 2 or 3 o__o
txtingtroy247: WOw, you really are a whore.
txtingtroy247: Saif will love to here this.
CXRyanX3: its only one chance with him in bed. dont waste it. coz he is awesum in bed.
Guest_inomzhim: all of them were special bitch.
txtingtroy247: Sure...
CXRyanX3: oh god
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_inomzhim: and saif will be one of them
txtingtroy247: Whore.
txtingtroy247: He's going to hurt you.
txtingtroy247: He's going to turn you down, and send you back to where you came from. I just hope you know.
CXRyanX3: OH GOD!!!!!!!
CXRyanX3: dont make me laugh
txtingtroy247: Because he doesn't like a whore.
CXRyanX3: and he is gay
txtingtroy247: Nor wilol he love one.
CXRyanX3: so he wont have sex with you
txtingtroy247: Will*
txtingtroy247: He
Guest_inomzhim: :O
txtingtroy247: He
CXRyanX3: keep dreaming you whore
Guest_inomzhim: What ?
txtingtroy247: He's not gay, he's just more into men.
Guest_inomzhim: Saif is not gay asshole.
txtingtroy247: And he's a virgin.
txtingtroy247: Who doesn't want your blue waffle.
CXRyanX3: i know he is
Guest_inomzhim: i know that he is virgin.
CXRyanX3: he is more asexual
txtingtroy247: Yeah.
CXRyanX3: so keep dreaming, he is gay and asexual at the same time. so theres no reason for him to have sex with you.
CXRyanX3: sure you can meet him
txtingtroy247: He can never love you.
CXRyanX3: nothing more
txtingtroy247: Or want to.
txtingtroy247: Or even think of making love to you.
CXRyanX3: yeah
txtingtroy247: So, turn the other way, and leave us alone.
txtingtroy247: :3
txtingtroy247: Thanks, much appreciated.
CXRyanX3: have fun with him in bed
txtingtroy247: xD
txtingtroy247: Yeah...
CXRyanX3: only in your dreams
txtingtroy247: Much fun, whore.
CXRyanX3: bye
CXRyanX3: now leave
txtingtroy247: Poof it now bitch!
txtingtroy247: No one wants you!
txtingtroy247: -Lays across Ryan's lap and yawns.-
CXRyanX3: even my slepper looks smarter
CXRyanX3: xD
CXRyanX3: slipper*
txtingtroy247: Indeed. <3
txtingtroy247: As a friend, I love you, Ryan. <3
CXRyanX3: same to you <3
CXRyanX3: C:
txtingtroy247: My buddeh. <3
txtingtroy247: -Kisses your cheek then licks my lips.- Ooh, yummy.
txtingtroy247: :3
CXRyanX3: > u < -blushes-
CXRyanX3: do do that
txtingtroy247: Haha, why?
txtingtroy247: I'm not toxic. :3
CXRyanX3: i dont know
txtingtroy247: Wow. <3
txtingtroy247: Ew, it's back. Dx
Guest_inomzhim: Back
CXRyanX3: yo just dont have a life.
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_inomzhim: And do you ?
Guest_inomzhim: I came to ask about saif
CXRyanX3: you live just a whore's life
txtingtroy247: Indeed you do.
Guest_inomzhim: and you both jumped onme like hungry animals.
txtingtroy247: Because you have a whorish obsession with a mostly gay man.
Guest_inomzhim: if you both arents so jelousy stop fighting me
Guest_inomzhim: DUH !!
CXRyanX3: do i look jealous ?
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_inomzhim: if he is gay then why yu love him ?
txtingtroy247: We are not jealous.
CXRyanX3: im just telling the the facts
txtingtroy247: I can love him, he loves me. He's mostly gay, but he would never go for a whore.
CXRyanX3: sure
Guest_inomzhim: and he loves me too.
Guest_inomzhim: lol .....
Guest_inomzhim: and ryan your gay too.
CXRyanX3: yeah and ?
Guest_inomzhim: it's obvious on your account
Guest_inomzhim: have you ever get a crush on a girl ?
CXRyanX3: i didnt
Guest_inomzhim: ever ?
Guest_inomzhim: Rofl
Guest_inomzhim: Listen bitchies.
Guest_inomzhim: saif is mine.
CXRyanX3: what is your pont ?
Guest_inomzhim: so better you troy move away.
txtingtroy247: Saif will never be yours.
Guest_inomzhim: Ok
txtingtroy247: If he's YOURS...
txtingtroy247: Why does he kiss me?
Guest_inomzhim: even if he gay iam gonna sex with him and date him.
txtingtroy247: Why does he tell me he loves me?
txtingtroy247: You can't have sex and date a gay man.
txtingtroy247: -Shoves finger up your pussy.-
CXRyanX3: how much time do you know Saif ?
txtingtroy247: Because of this.
txtingtroy247: YOU ARE A GIRL!
Guest_inomzhim: couple of days
txtingtroy247: xD
iMontoire: Hey.
txtingtroy247: Days.
CXRyanX3: couple of days ????????????????
iMontoire: LOL.
CXRyanX3: hey Neda
Guest_inomzhim: saif told me he will sex with me if i came to jordan
txtingtroy247: A couple of days!
CXRyanX3: couple of days xDDDDDDDDD
Guest_inomzhim: and we can hangout and blah blah
CXRyanX3: stop making me laugh
txtingtroy247: You are such a stupid liar!
txtingtroy247: He's gay!
iMontoire: LOL, i can't stop to laugh. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD;
Guest_inomzhim: wht is the funny thing ?
txtingtroy247: xD
CXRyanX3: that you doesnt know him well xDDD
CXRyanX3: do you know how much i know him ?
CXRyanX3: 8 MONTH!!!!
txtingtroy247: You've known him for a couple days and claim that he's yours and that you're going to have sex and date a gay man!
iMontoire: And that's he'll fuck you and leave alone in the rain. DD;
Guest_inomzhim: he is not fully gay iam sure of that
CXRyanX3: you just making funny of yourself
txtingtroy247: He's not.
CXRyanX3: yeah im sure
txtingtroy247: But, you...
txtingtroy247: Are a obvious WHORE!
Guest_inomzhim: then he wouldnt really ask my facebook account and ask me to sex with him
CXRyanX3: i should care because ???
Guest_inomzhim: listen bitchoes
txtingtroy247: Okay, we're bitches...
Guest_inomzhim: dnot stick your butts in issues
txtingtroy247: But you're still a whore.
Guest_inomzhim: asholes
Guest_inomzhim: iam a whore and proud of that
Guest_inomzhim: and iam sexy too
iMontoire: D:
txtingtroy247: That's a terrible thing to be proud of.
Guest_inomzhim: and iam sure that saif will accept me
txtingtroy247: And you're not sexy.
Guest_inomzhim: yes iam
Guest_inomzhim: Duh !!
txtingtroy247: You barely have boobs. -Stares at your picture.-
Guest_inomzhim: do you know me ?
Guest_inomzhim: Lesbian o-o
txtingtroy247: Yes, yes I am, bi.
CXRyanX3: oh oh oh
txtingtroy247: But you're not attractive.
txtingtroy247: xD
CXRyanX3: i cant breath xDDDDDDDDD
Guest_inomzhim: haha
Guest_inomzhim: most of boys fights on me
txtingtroy247: Men onlt date you because they want sex, not you.
Guest_inomzhim: and saif told me that iam sexy
txtingtroy247: You're a sleaz, and you're easy.
txtingtroy247: Doubt it.
Guest_inomzhim: and do most of boys choose a ugly girl to sex with ? ROFL
txtingtroy247: xD
Guest_inomzhim: you still young 15
txtingtroy247: If they're desperate! xD
Guest_inomzhim: go and wear a bra dear
iMontoire: okay, you're sexy but you're stupind and pathetic. o.e
Guest_inomzhim: iam leaving
txtingtroy247: And you're 16 and have fucked 4 guys.
Guest_inomzhim: 3 on hero
iMontoire: so.. it seems you're not cool.
Guest_inomzhim: god be with me
txtingtroy247: I wear a C cup. Thanks.
CXRyanX3: very funny chat
CXRyanX3: xDDD
txtingtroy247: Indeed. -Saves it.
iMontoire: i'm so sorry for her. o.e

Friday, August 12, 2011

How I got my Sharigan.


The night was dense. The rain heavily while the wind blew hard. Muki was out
with his father training. At this point in time she was only about 8. her
oldest Sister Amy who was 17 and had already obtained Sharingan was home
with their other sister Yuki who was 15 and also had obtained Sharingan and
their Mother who was not of clan blood. Their family was located in
Hoshikagure at the time. Running from hired Assassins and bounty hunters. In
these times the Uchiha was a menace throughout every land. So killing them
was only natural. While Muki and Katsuchi was out training. Their house was
attacked. Yuki and Amy detected at the most 5 bodies outside of there house.
3 of them at high levels of chakra. Amy walked into their mother's room and
just stared at her. "Mother you need to go down into the hidden space." She
said as she opened the bottom tile. Her mother said nothing. She already
knew what was happening and she ran into the space. Amy closed the tile
behind her mother. Yuki grabbed two katanas and kept them in her hands.
Those were her only weapons. As she ran outside 3 kunai bounced off her
right hand blade. The 2 of them who were at average level confronted her.
The other 3 appeared on the roof of the house. Yuki surrounded, all five of
them unsheathed their blades, at about 3 seconds after which the time was
now 11:58pm, they all attacked at once. In this instant, Yuki who had
activated her sharingan jumped in, as she kicked her little sister forward
while jumping backward. They then stood together facing the 5 men. By this
time it was 12:00am and Muki and her father Katsuchi was on their way back.
Katsuchi stopped when they reached their house. Muki noticed the 5 guys but
didn't see her sisters. Katsuchi hid behind the house and threw Muki further
away from the site. She then ran on top of the house and jumped off. Swiftly
making handsigns, a giant ball of water appeared in his hands. As he landed
it began to form a small bird. She shot of his hands and far into the sky.
She looked at them. 3 against 5. Katsuchi lured 2 away from the area.
leaving his two daughters to fight the others. It was a fierce battle. Yuki
was soon injured a puncturing wound in her left triceps. Amy was still
fighting the three and then it happened. Two of them came behind her and cut
her legs knowing she wouldn't be able to fight very well. The third one
pierced her heart with his blade. Muki watching silently. The tears began to
fall from her eyes. Her oldest sister, who had learned life lessons from was
dead. Her legacy, Her way of life, her hopes and dreams of settling down and
having a family were gone. She was now dead. Flashbacks appearing in Muki's
mind made it hard to believe. Her eyes then changed. Her sharingan was
activated. Her father came back unharmed. Not even one mark on his body. The
three stood and looked at her sister Yuki. Muki ran from her hiding place
and as one of the men swung their sword. Muki jumped up. "Why did it have to
be her!" She yelled and pulled form her back a single sword which broke the
man's blade, she then slit the man's throat. The blood splattering over her
face. She looked over at her father. She then turned back to the other two
men. Her father had ran behind them both making another series of handsigns,
they were swiftly killed. Muki ran over to his sister. Her mother soon came
running out of ther door to see Amy dead on the ground. Muki took the sword
that was in her chest and her and threw it aside. "Why?!?!" She screamed.
Soon another tragedy happened. She turned to her father and her eyes opened
wide. "This can't be. It just can't" She said shaking. Her father held as
kunai her mother's throat. Yuki stood up. She swiftly ran towards him. He
kicked her to the side. "Your wondering why? I'm what they call a spy..." He
said grinning. "Yuki!" She said said running towards him. She was soon met
with the same fate and kicked aside also. "Was she going to die?" He didn't
know for sure but she was going to fight. Katsuchi then ripped his mother's
throat open. The blood of her mother soaked her. She screamed into the
distance as her eyes changed once more."Nooo!" Yuki began to cry she
screamed and in a burst of anger charged at him. Katsuchi smiled walking
backwards. He vanished before Yuki got to him. Muki dropped looking at her
sister. Muki's personality changed on that day. She was nice, care free, and
she was nothing more than without pain. After that night she became cold,
heartless, and emotionless towards others except his sister and her
boyfriend Hitsu. They were all on their own now. Her sister Yuki found out
why Katsuchi had did what he had did. It was all for Muki. She never told
her though. She began to teach her and train her herself. This was the
beginning of fully obtaining the 3-tomoe sharingan.